Guess this question has never came to an end. Every time one sees you are expecting the first thing they gonna ask if not the gender then it will be which hospital are you going to deliver your baby. Pantai Hospital? (FYI, Pantai is among those expensive private hospital in KL). Oh well, I didn't know if this is just a norm but I guess some are just too kepoh to know if you are rich enough to bear the delivery cost. LOL
I remembered when I first having my son, I got that a lot as well. But yeah those days I also blur blur first time mommy kan you know lah. When people ask me I normally ask them back which hospitals has good services and reasonable price. All and all, most of them preferred private hospitals rather than government basically with one common reason, government hospitals are lousy, sucks and scary.
3 years ago, private hospitals may ranged averagely from RM3.5k-5k for natural birth and double the price or more for C-Sec depending on hospitals. That's not inclusive of other charges such as Epidural, pain-killer, baby suction etc. That was 3 years ago not sure now. Honestly, I found that is too pricey. I could recalled one of my friend was once said, "Not like you cannot afford what, your husband so rich (rich? millionaire you mean? hehe)". Guess regardless your husband can afford or not, no harm to ease their burden. They also working hard to earn, don't they? Kesian them also ba kan...
Ermm.. I have totally different view after experiencing gov hospital (Jangan kecam saya! LOL). I can't deny I do feel a little hesitate when it comes to government hospitals. With all the horrible stories, of course I feel uneasy as well but despite those bad stories not many actually mention about the good sides of them. Gov has the best range of medications and their baby injections are one of the best, lagi best when it is FOC (kan? Scored!). Go check in private how much in total all the necessary baby injections up to 18months if you don't believe, it may costs you thousands for those mandatory injections. Why not use that money to give your child extra injections such as pneumococcal or rotavirus which are not covered under gov scheme? I actually had my monthly baby review at a private clinic for my entire pregnancy and the Doctor told me my pregnancy is perfectly fine and baby is in great position, I shouldn't have any problems to deliver naturally. So she suggested me to give a try with PPUM since now they have semi-government wing for maternity/delivery when she herself actually a Gyne in Pantai. Told me not to waste my money for private when not necessary and better use the money for something else especially for the newborn. So, I listened to her advice and give it a try with PPUM. True enough, since they are now semi-government the facilities and services are marvelous. For maternity, they only have standard room with 4 beds with attached toilet in each ward. My husband tried to get a single room but it seems single room only reserved for government servants. But that's ok everything seems brand new since they have just done renovation upon my admission. Back in 2013, my total bill for a natural delivery was RM600+ (1 night stay). Since gov going to increase 50% on medical fee, I am predicting it may goes up maximum around RM1000 only lah (Still cheaper right?). The only thing you cannot request in PPUM is that your husband cannot be in the labor room with you. Since my husband memang penakut (keke) so I don't need this facility then. Scared he might get fainted before me. Wakekeke If you prefer you husband to be in the labor room with you, I think Putrajaya Hospital and Selayang Hospital may be allowed.
I am glad everything goes well when I delivered Ian and even greater I can use the extra thousands that I supposed to spend on baby delivery to his early childhood education. This is the thing, when people know I spend RM1k+ for my son's monthly pre-school fee, many think I am crazy and super kiasu. Many said "He is just 2! Why spend so much on pre-school?! Now I tell you I even pay a high price for my son's babysitter before he goes to school. Crazy? (Yes, I am). I am not like some have their mother/ mother in law/sister/aunty etc who can help to look after their child for free. If you understand what living in the city without relatives means, I pay good price for a peace of mind (Get me?). Come on la, you can spend a bank for delivery, why bother when others choose to spend their money on their child aftercare? Chill lah..
I can see many willing to spend on baby delivery but when the child is ready for nursery/pre-school/enrichment program they suddenly become stingy and started to complain everything is expensive. Indeed, nothing is cheap nowadays we all know that. When you choose to go private hospitals also not cheap mah. Same thing to private schools. If I am kiasu, what are you? (Nah..angry already :D).
If you still don't know where to dump your money, go get your child covers with medical insurance. Or maybe upgrade yourself to an insurance that covers complications during pregnancy. For those unaware about unborn insurance, check out Prudential. They have PRUmy child for your unborn/child (Infant care provides protection during the crucial prenatal, neonatal and post-natal periods) and PRUlady that covers wide range of women-related illnesses.
Conclusion is, no matter you delivery your child in private or government both also painful right? Both also got scar, both also got cut (Org kampung bilang naragas juga. Wakekeke)
Bah, Happy Midweek lah nothing serious here. LOL
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Too early for school?
2 years for one post. Come on Jesse! LOL
Oh well, 2 years has gone. My baby boy Ian is no longer a baby, he is now 3 and has becoming mommy's chatty buddy since he started talking few months back. Expecting my second baby now, life has changed a little drastic as I am (we are) not prepared for another one for the thought that we might only have the one and only Ian boy. Oh don't get me wrong, despite of horrible morning sickness this time around I am super duper happy with our new arrival. Up till now, we still couldn't believe God has granted us another child as we have problem to conceive my first one and Doctor has confirmed the chances are low for another baby. But yeah, God is great!
While enjoying my second trimester now, I suddenly thinking to write about Ian's learning progress. Ian was with his nanny ever since he was 4 months to about 2 years old. I couldn't be more than thankful that I found a nice and super loving nanny for my little boy. Ian has grown up happy and healthy under her care and best part is the nanny could only converse in Chinese so by no choice Ian picked up the language from her and able to understand well.
As I noticed Ian was a little shy and speak very little words, I have made a huge decision to enroll him to pre-school so that he is able to socialize and learn more stuffs. I know switching him from a one-to-one nanny to pre-school means I need to be ready for frequent common sickness such as flu, cough etc. True enough, Ian has been getting flu & cough quite frequent in school as compare to those days when he was with his nanny. But that's just minor actually, that's eventually helps to build his immune system. What impressed me was his amazing development after he started pre-school at the age of 2.
Here are few reasons why you should enroll your child to playschool as young as possible:
1. Better social skill
Since baby, Ian showed hesitation when anyone trying to get close to him. He will either cry out loud or just ran away whenever you try to approach him. This is cool when with strangers but not when with our family members or friends. After putting him in pre-school, he has better social skill. I could see he is improving as he is now mixing well with other children while playing. To me,willing to give a goodbye hug to our family members and friends is a great improvement.
2. Impressive vocabulary
For this, I am pretty sure it happened by many factors besides school. We allowed him to watch channels in Youtube such as hi5, Ryan's toy review, how's stuff works, nursery rhymes and of course Power Rangers (why not?LOL) for 2 hours a day after school. I noticed him started to pick up and use some of the words from what he watched yet unable to form sentences with those. At the same time, he is learning many different things at school and that's where those jargon came from. He know when to use the right sentences for different situations which sometimes can be very funny for a 3 year old to say "Oh come on.." when his dad keep asking him to look at the 3D image of his baby sibling. haha!
3. Perfect grammar
This part may not be my main focus but I noticed Ian is grammatically correct whenever he tries to make sentences. Besides knowing 'is', 'are', 'was' etc, he knows when to use single and plural, when to add "-ing' to verb and when to use just the verb according to the right sentences. The school's medium is English but I do believe the teachers may have used proper English when communicate to their students. Frankly, I personally think it is important for parents to speak proper language to their children. We always try to speak proper English without slang, same as when I speak in Chinese unless it is Sabah mother tongue then I can't help much lah. :D
4. Show great interests in learning
Since born, I have tried to practice flashcards with Ian but due to time constrain (good excuse mommy) I was not consistent. So as Ian growing, he doesn't seems to show much interest to flashcards and reading. I didn't enforced much since I want him to grow up to what he enjoy doing. However, thing slowly changed after he started attending school. He will take those untouched cards and books to me or the daddy to read for him. And now, he could read and named all of them confidently!
5. Better daily routine
After school, Ian will be in daycare until I pick him up after work. As the children will be staying whole day the school has provided 3 meals for breakfast, lunch & tea break. Ian is a fussy eater. If he doesn't take candy, no ice-cream, no carbonated drinks what makes you think he will consider vegetables. Obviously he won't but that won't happen in school. His teacher said he eats whatever given to him without complain. Magic right? I tried to include vegetables and fruits to his meal but it doesn't works. Since he is eating healthy meals during school time everyday so I am a little lenient when it comes to dinner. At daycare, children are disciplined to take their afternoon nap so that helped a lot during the weekends as Ian knows the napping routine so no need to shout your lungs out to put him to sleep. keke
All and all, to put your child early to school is all up to your decision as parents. No need to follow trend lah, you know what best for your child. Every child is different, some learn fast some a little lesser. However, selecting a good school is very important as that would eventually mold your child's character. I planned to send Ian to a full Chinese medium kindergarten by 2018 for the preparation of his enrollment to Chinese primary school.
Sound KIASU? Yes I am a KIASU mommy and I am happy being a KIASU mommy! :P :P :P
Btw, Ian is attending Baby Atelier Pre School & Nursery.
For more information, check out their website at
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