Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You get infection, I get flu!

Smiling is infectious,
You can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too..
Be happy everyone,
Be happy my lovely one.


  1. * Sniff Sniff ~~

    Ya... I got the flu too....
    You gave me the flu....

    nice day....

  2. Ya...

    Just visit the doctor this Sunday morning....

    *wink wink

  3. that was hell-of-a-naughty doctor...

    instead of healing me... that fella give me more flu... *Sniff Sniff Sniff...

    *wink wink

  4. cough...??

    why...?? breathing problem..??

    *wink wink


A Muslim convert, is it hard?

I was called to write this post. It's sad to know some of my fellow friends got bullied for something they are not aware of..I am sharin...