Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy day bullying my young nephew!haha

Last week was a gathering week with both my pretty sisters...(pretty?haha lawa la ba juga kan even married..haha) suddenly found this video in my laptop & this is just so funny for a 4 months old baby to react this way!he's my second sis's second son, Elden Jed...just 4 months old but his body development is just amazing...grow fast & understand things fast too..not sure what my sis did to him when she's pregnant but this baby is damn cute!haha tell you what..whenever he's in the car...once the car moves then he started to cry & whenever stop then he surely stop crying & smile...we assumed he's dizzy & maybe sometimes we will purposedly stop just to see his response & surprisingly he really stop crying lei!!hahahaha is my driving skill that bad until he gets so dizzy...?or because i drive too slow makes him bored...?haha
That day he's bit cranky anyway...he keep on looking at me & my elder sis hoping that we will carry him but we pretend we dont understand what he wants..then we purposedly teased him & let him cry to entertain us...hahaha what a kaki bully aunty!enjoy!



  1. hahaha!!! just free to see this video clip....he is so cute!!!! hahaha

  2. haha yaya!he's just coming to 4 months old u know but damn matured..understands lots of thing ody..haha


A Muslim convert, is it hard?

I was called to write this post. It's sad to know some of my fellow friends got bullied for something they are not aware of..I am sharin...