Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Modern guy: Badmouth too?

Oh this is so bad...

Have you ever encounter men (actually just one, so it should be "man" huh?LOL) that is bullshitting a lot? Yeah I mean like A-L-O-T. I never encountered any until I joined this particular company. That man really gossip like a bitch. OMG! This type of bullshit is bullshit something that is ridiculous. Unbelievably described about how bad is one, but why do the hell he need to do this shit to other women? Shall we call you "bitchaassssssssss" starting from now, dear gossip king? Guess there might be extra feminine gene in you. Extra Progesterone? Daa~~   

Definitely I am not alone. Some of the staff do think he might be a queer (as if I care, I just beh tahan). But I don't think it has much to do with soft guy, but more of being disrespectful.  Real men don't bullshit. Show a little respect la. Yeah I know he did badmouthing others a lot (and everybody know it!). Every time it happens that I saw it, it gives me this funny thought as "At least he noticed you, people." LOL And really some people do not need a reason to the things they do or said. Feel sorry to their foolishness AND their mad immaturity.

A real man has better things to do than to mess with other's life. Real man know their value and that's why women want them. Sorry men, I need to agree new millennium men say that women gossip too much but they gossip twice as much. Scary!


  1. eee office I ada..scary!I tak pernah jumpa lelaki talk that much for my entire life oo!Talk much takpe, but dia kaki kutuk, worse is kaki curse org.:@

  2. i wish i not fall in that group of men unconsciously.... hmmm......


A Muslim convert, is it hard?

I was called to write this post. It's sad to know some of my fellow friends got bullied for something they are not aware of..I am sharin...