Sunday, July 17, 2011


What? show up naked? It might not be what I had in my mind but it would be good surprise huh..?! Hahaha Oh come on...shall I wait till his birthday  for such surprise?! Yeehaaaa~ (Jessssseeeee!!haha)

Well know that we fight, but we do make up, we share secrets over a "B" cup. Oh yeaah~ Sometimes you're my friend, sometimes a guide, but most time you're my fight.You are the person in whom I take pride. Perhaps work may let me down, but I know that when I come home, you are always there to pull me up! Thank you for being such a sweetheart..:)
                                                           I will always love you buddy..
                                                                  Happy Sweet 17!!

Look at that surprise face! He was totally surprised to see me suddenly appeared infront of him. Silly boy..:P
Hope you'd a great time my dear Kaka!
Oh yaa, thanx for the Lamborghini ride! Tell you what, it was sucks!! *_"


  1. Happy Burpday sma Wan kio. Adui kamurang ni boleh kah jgn terlampau cute. Girigitan oo.


  2. Bie: Hahaha thanx bie..:)

    p/s: btw..cantik2 oo gmbar2 ko lately..shining2 kunuk muka ko..mesti ada gud news ni kan?^^

  3. Oo lately la cantik. Before ni kusam ka. Hahahahaha emo kunun kan. Kalau gud news yg ko meant tu mmg xda oo. Happy sma life sija ni at the moment. Yay!

  4. haha adakah...santek slalu bo gia..yeah that's more important use to hv gud news also kalo nda happy with life kan..cheers always k~ :)

  5. i wish i can get that kind of hugs too.....


A Muslim convert, is it hard?

I was called to write this post. It's sad to know some of my fellow friends got bullied for something they are not aware of..I am sharin...