Friday, September 24, 2010


ERYANTIE KARIM @ BIBIE.. Such a lovely writing about me & our friendship, my dear...:) Another teary moment after read your blog...sob sob~ this is so beautiful darling..Words just couldnt describe my feeling towards this friendship..Thank you so much for always appreciating this fate Bie...I LOVE U!

Stay in touch k...I always pray for the best of your life...God Bless~


  1. Oit...I'm sincere with my words. Punya malu ko p announce in ur blog. *blush blush*

    U take care. GBU+Wan. Thanks for the friendship & ur trust. I LOVE U, TOO.

  2. This is too wonderful...beautiful thing indeed had to be shared..of course I know u r sincere...but if ko arap belanja sutung sana tjg aru sy ok ja bah..ekekeke alalalaa..cayang bibie~

    Thanx bie for everything..May God bless u always..Love ya!

  3. What sutung? Xsedap suda tu. Hahaha mau avoid ka tu ah kena suru belanja. I'll holla u when I'm in KL kio.



A Muslim convert, is it hard?

I was called to write this post. It's sad to know some of my fellow friends got bullied for something they are not aware of..I am sharin...